
Showing posts from December, 2021

The Importance of Physical Fitness

Physical activity is anything that moves your body and burns calories. This includes things like - walking, climbing stairs, and stretching. Aerobic (or cardio) activity gets your heart rate up and benefits your heart by improving cardiorespiratory fitness. When done at moderate intensity, your heart will beat faster & you'll breathe harder than normal, but you'll still be able to talk. Think of it as a medium or moderate amount of effort. Examples of moderate-intensity aerobic activities:- Brisk walking ( at least 2.5 miles per hour) Water aerobics Dancing (ballroom or social) Gardening Tennis (doubles) Biking slower than 10 miles per hour What if you're just starting to get active? Don't worry if you can't reach 150 minutes per week just yet. Everyone has to start somewhere. Set a reachable goal for today. You can work up toward the recommended amount by increasing your time as you get stronger. The simplest way to get moving and improv